Dear Friends,

We are excited to introduce our unique service, the Amazon Discount Request. With this service, you can request us to purchase any product you need on Amazon through the unique model we have created, and we will buy it for you with a 8-15% discount, even if the product is already discounted on Amazon. The product will be shipped to you by Amazon. How cool is that?

To use this service, simply email us the URL of the product on Amazon that you want to purchase at (This is the Beta version; later, we will make it more automatic, easier, and faster to use.) After you email the URL of the product(s), our team will respond within 8-12 hours with a link for you to complete your purchase. You'll have 12 hours to finalize your order, and your product will be shipped directly from Amazon. If you wish to initiate a return, please inform us via email, and we'll assist you based on the return policy of the specific product you purchased and we'll provide you with credit for your next Amazon purchase through us.

Getting a minimum of an 8% discount is open to the public through our website. However, you can boost this discount by following these steps:

  • Following our Instagram (+1%)*
  • Using E-Transfer for payment (+3%) (saving on payment processor fees)
  • Total bill over $100 (+1.5%)
  • Loyalty as a returning customer (+1.5%)

*The discount for following our Instagram is applicable only once, after which it counts as a loyalty discount.

There is no limitation on how many times you can purchase through us.

When sending your email to us, please mention your Instagram name and whether you are willing to use E-transfer for payment.


Please note that this opportunity is unique based on the current rules, regulations, and situation of Amazon. This situation might change without notice, and this facility might lead to more significant opportunities or disappear completely. For now, we can provide you with this amazing opportunity.

Thank you for choosing Asana Booth for your shopping needs. We are always looking for ways to make your shopping experience better and more affordable.


Asana Booth